Secure Your Place
Secure Your Place

Journey to the Abyss

Embracing Death as Your Advisor

 A Full Immersion, All Inclusive, Premier Tensegrity® Workshop Event & Tour

Mexico City, Mexico — October 5 -12, 2024

Your Last Battle On Earth 

“The spirit of the warrior is not geared to indulging and complaining, nor is it geared to winning or losing. The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior’s last battle on earth. Thus the outcome matters very little to him. In his last battle on earth a warrior lets his spirit flow free and clear. And as he wages his battle, knowing that his “intent” is impeccable, a warrior laughs and laughs.” — Carlos Castaneda

One of the many benefits of doing this work is in honing yourself into your most powerful being. And then using that power for a meaningful purpose.

Yet most people never attain this "birthright" of our lineage. This is largely due to not approaching life using the Last Battle principle and not embracing Death as your Advisor.

Engaging the principle of Last Battle on Earth clarifies all of one's efforts to only those pursuits worthy of being your last battle. The essential. They are the ones which warrant your time, attention and energy. Nothing else!

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“Acts have power. Especially when the warrior acting knows that those acts are his last battle. There is a strange consuming happiness in acting with the full knowledge that whatever he is doing may very well be his last act on earth."

— Carlos Castaneda

Death As Your Advisor

"Death is the indispensable ingredient in having to believe. Without the awareness of death, everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking him that a warrior has to believe that the world is an unfathomable mystery. Having to believe in such a fashion is the warriors expression of his innermost predilection."  — Carlos Castaneda

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As humanity has "progressed", we have become further and further distanced from death. We have forgotten the energetic fact that we are finite beings.

In the era when the Naguals were discovering and honing their skills, the real possibility of death was literally around every turn. One of the leader-nagual's last battles was focused upon keeping themselves and their people safe. At the same time, they possessed an acute awareness of the precarious nature of life and the imminent threat of death—they lived very short lives.

In today's world, we are owned by those around us, rather than owning ourselves.  We do so many things in order to fit in. We do so many things in order to be liked and accepted. We do so many things so we can feel good about ourselves. We live our lives upon societal norms and the precepts and principles gifted to us by our parents. Hardly ever do we even consider our relationship with death or that it will even happen to us, which is an extremely personal affair.

Embracing death as your advisor provides you with a powerful tool... demonstrating that life is fleeting and that we have limited time to make our lives matter.

“A warrior must focus his attention on the link between himself and his death. Without remorse or sadness or worrying, he must focus his attention on the fact that he does not have time and let his acts flow accordingly. He must let each of his acts be his last battle on earth. Only under those conditions will his acts have their rightful power. Otherwise they will be, for as long as he lives, the acts of a fool." — Carlos Castaneda

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Your Journey to the Abyss

"Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds himself. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss. — Oliver Stone

Imagine a life of which you are proud. Your thoughts, actions and energy aligned with your most powerful being in furtherance of your life's purpose. Not the false pride of external acknowledgment... the innermost feeling that you are living your life with passion and purpose.

What will your obituary say? After you have passed, and the story of your life is being written, what will it say?

Whether you call it purpose, mission or even your bucket list, it is your choice as to what to do and accomplish while in this realm. The time to write your story is now.

Using our workshop location as our base, you will begin by opening yourself... grinding away your routines and realities through recapitulation and other advanced Tensegrity® practices. And while in that rarified state, you will connect and immerse yourself within the energy of the shamans of ancient Mexico, enabling you to unveil your true purpose, gathering what you need to engage your last battle on earth, allowing your spirit to flow free and clear.

“To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other.” — Carlos Castaneda

Journey to the Abyss: Embracing Death as Your Advisor

Tour Experiences Immersed in the Heart of Our Lineage

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Anthropology Museum


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Shrine of Guadalupe 


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Atlantes de Tula

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Cacahuamilpa Cave


Journey to the Abyss: Embracing Death as Your Advisor

$3597 - Early Bird Price

Double Occupancy

A Full Immersion, All Inclusive, Premier Tensegrity® Workshop Event & Tour

Mexico City, Mexico — October 5 -12, 2024

Program Includes:

  • Immersive Tensegrity® Experience
  • Advanced Intensive Recapitulation 
  • Tours of Significant Lineage Locations
  • Double Occupancy Accommodations
  • Meals, Local Transportation & Tour Fees
  • Open Yourself & Connect With Your Lineage
  • Unveil Your Unique Purpose
  • Hone Yourself into Your Most Powerful Being
  • Network & Celebrate with other Tensegrity® Practitioners
  • Comprehensive Workbook
Registration is Full

Journey to the Abyss: Embracing Death as Your Advisor

$3997 - Early Bird Price

Single Occupancy

A Full Immersion, All Inclusive, Premier Tensegrity® Workshop Event & Tour

Mexico City, Mexico — October 5 -12, 2024

Program Includes:

  • Immersive Tensegrity® Experience
  • Advanced Intensive Recapitulation 
  • Tours of Significant Lineage Locations
  • Single Occupancy Accommodations
  • Meals, Local Transportation & Tour Fees
  • Open Yourself & Connect With Your Lineage
  • Unveil Your Unique Purpose
  • Hone Yourself into Your Most Powerful Being 
  • Network & Celebrate with other Tensegrity® Practitioners
  • Comprehensive Workbook
Registration is Full
Double Occupancy Registration - 3 Payments
Single Occupancy Registration - 3 Payments
Renata Murez

Renata Murez, BS, MA

Apprentice of Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar & Carol Tiggs - Students of Don Juan

A Tensegrity® Facilitator and Instructor, and Director at Cleargreen, the company formed by Carlos Castaneda to disseminate the practical aspects of his work, Renata is a member of the original team of Tensegrity® leaders, who, under the direction of the students of don Juan, helped to formulate the modernization of the Magical Passes® and other Tensegrity® practices. She has been leading Tensegrity® workshops and tours worldwide for over twenty-three years.

She holds a Master of Arts degree in English Literature, from California State University at Northridge, where she taught Composition and wrote her Master’s Thesis on the work of Native American author Louise Erdrich. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from UCLA, where she worked with Professor Emeritus Lissy Jarvik, and co-authored a paper with Steven S. Matsuyama, Ph.D. She was a student in the Arica School of Oscar Ichazo, studying enneagram personality types.